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domingo, 24 de abril de 2011

FashionCampLA: The First Fashion + Technology UNConference In LA

FashionCamp LA is free and volunteer-run, in which anyone can present and everyone is encouraged to share their knowledge about fashion. Volunteering with Fashion Camp is a great way to meet new people working in fashion, learn about fashion technology, fashion eCommerce, and fashion 2.0. If you’re in the Los Angeles area on May 15th and May 16th, 2010 and are interested in how technology in fashion (blogging, social media, social networking, podcasting, videos, mobile content, etc) works, then please join and help out.

Volunteers can help out in various ways, including (but not limited to):

*Planning Fashion Camp LA.
*Presenting at Fashion Camp LA. Please send a blurb of what you want to speak on.
*Setting up/Taking down of the event.

 if you’re interested in volunteering:

More info in:

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